Week Nine

WEEK NINE Well would you look at that, it's almost March, and that means 17 days till St. Patty's Day! This week was refreshing. I didn't receive many rejections, and I finally set up my research connection with MSU! Now, I know you're on the edge of your seat waiting to see if we got anymore K-12 schools to join, or heck, any more Okemos responses...unfortunately those are both negative, but that's where MSU will pick up the pieces. To start the week, I began by entering more of my East Lansing data, which if you haven't picked up on already, is a grind. Then I seemingly closed some ties when I sent out my first batch of "One Month Later" emails, along with a couple "Two Week Later" emails. I took from the overwhelming silence from Superintendents that it was time to move on to universities. In class, Mr. Rasmus and I brainstormed who I should contact to begin the research process with MSU and I quickly recalled that Mrs. Parkin was a scien...