Week Fifteen

WEEK FIFTEEN WHEW! Let me tell ya, this week was a WHIRLWIND-but in the best way possible. The first week back from Spring Break is usually pretty busy, but nothing compares to the hustle and bustle of this week...and it all started with the SAT. After surviving Monday (and fully online school which gave me some big ol' flashbacks) I spent the night cramming in some unnecessary studying to make myself feel better. Then, the big day had arrived. Tuesday, April 13th, the SAT. Not that this blog post is all about the SAT, but I have to say, it was kind of a huge relief to finish that test (and surprise essay) and realize that I never have to think about Khan Academy prep ever again! Hallelujah! Anyways, let's cut to the chase. Friday morning: Han's Big Interview. Was I ready for this once-in-a-lifetime experience? Yes. Was I sweating? Also yes. To set the scene, it was like 9:25 and I logged into the mysterious Zoom link and he wasn't there yet, so I sat in my professional...